Sunday 2 October 2011

OSAAT ~ DT card ~ Use a Digi

It's challenge time again at One stitch at a time, this week we want to see you use a digi stamp somewhere on your project. For my card I have used Eskimo kiss. I have coloured in with promarkers and added some fun flock to the rim and cuffs of her coat, then matted to some Kraft and cream CS, The DP is from forever friends, I added a doily, some lace tied in a bow, a pearl pin. The sentiment is from cats life press, I finished off with some pearls.
Can't wait to see what you create
Gaynor :)

This card fits the following challenge
Card mad fairy's digi challenge #17 ~ Too early for Christmas


  1. What a fabulous card - so pretty and the lace is lovely!

  2. It's beautiful, a great layout and super image. Hazel x

  3. A gorgeous card Gaynor.. Love the doiley and lace !! Of course the image is just perfect also.

    Hugs Choccy xx

  4. Gorgeous card, I like the image, thanks for joining in with us at Cardmadfairys digi days.
    Kevin xx

  5. This is gorgeous Gaynor, the lace and doily make it so elegant, love it xxx

  6. Wonderful card, very classy and elegant. xoxo Marjo

  7. Another very unique card Gaynor. Love it.


  8. Love the colour scheme and the imagereminds me of The Kiss by Klimt. Fab! Thanks for joining in with our Too Early for Christmas? challenge over at Cardmadfairy. Hugs Gillian.


Thank you for your wonderful comments x