Friday 6 June 2014

Jellypark DT card - all things sporty

Hi peeps, I'm sharing my DT card for Jellypark
the theme this time is all things sporty
I have chosen to use this fab image available here

My colouring medium is Prisma pencils 
I have cut the image out
I have used my creative expressions brick embossing folder on some buff CS from papermill direct
and then used my pencils to add some detail to the bricks
bottom sentiment is computer generated
top sentiment is from Jellypark 

1 comment:

  1. Evrning Gaynor sorry its late but Ive lost all sence of time since I had to have my little dog molly put to sleep.
    But back to your card I love the idea of it the images are brillient it would make a great fathers day card. Have a lovely weekend xx

    Debs xx


Thank you for your wonderful comments x